Abschlusskonferenz: After the Crisis is Before the Crisis
Panelbeitrag, Philip Reading
Basel Risk-Weights and their Implementation, Stefan Kerbl
The Basel III Leverage Ratio, Corinna Woyand
Are Coco-Bonds a Good Substitute for Equity?, Gabriela Hraskoa
Is Transparency a Solution for Agency Issues in Securitization?, Philipp Klein
Underpricing in the European Corporate Bond Markets, Erik Theissen
Every Country for Itself and the Central Bank for us all?, Reinhard Neck
Regulation as a factor of systemic risk
CoCo Bonds and Risk: The Market View, Henning Hesse
Ranking Consistency of Systemic Risk Measures: A Simulation-Based Analysis in a Banking Network Model, Peter Grundke
Did the Basel Process of Capital Regulation Enhance the Resiliency of European Banks?, Thomas Gehrig & Maria Chiara Iannino
Bank capital structure with contingent capital: Empirical evidence, Roman Goncharenko & Asad Rauf
Contingent Debt and Investment, Roman Goncharenko
Regulation as a factor of systemic risk, Sebastian Wider
Market vs. Residence Principle: Experimental Evidence on the Effects of a Financial Transaction Tax, Jürgen Huber, Michael Kirchler, Daniel Kleinlercher, Matthias Sutter
Workshop: Accounting, Information, and Financial Crises
Bank CEO Materialism, Corporate Culture and Risk
Rumors and Runs in Opaque Markets:
Evidence from the Panic of 1907
Negative Eects of Information Disclosure:
The Dark Side of Stress Test
Signaling in Debt Contracting via Voluntary Verification of Timely Information
Procyclicality of US Bank Leverage
Financial Disclosure and Market Transparency with Costly Information Processing
Expected Losses and Managerial Discretion as Drivers of Countercyclical Loan Loss Provisioning
Learning Externalities in Opaque Asset Markets: Evidence from International Commercial Real Estate
Bank runs and accounting for illiquid bank assets
Something in the Air: Information Density, News Surprises, and Price Jumps
The Financial Crises of the 21. Century
The Crisis of 2007/8, Martin Summer
Towards a Unified European Banking Market, Josef Zechner
Options for the Euro Area, Gerhard Illing
Macroeconomic Imbalances, Oliver Landmann
Psychology of Trust in Money, Tarek El Sehity
Economic Attitudes in Financial Crises: The Democratic Challenge, Raymond Duch
Multi-Party Government and Economic Policy-Making, Wolfgang C. Müller
‚Crisis‘ – ‚Democracy‘ – ‚Europe‘: terms of the contract? Framing public debates of the crisis, Katherine Sarikakis
Financial Reporting and Financial Stability, Christian Laux